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Verbessert Schlaf die Kreativität?

Improves sleeping the creativity ?

Verbessert Schlaf die Kreativität?
5 min

Improves sleeping the creativity ?

Good sleep is the basis for creative ideas – is that true? We explain here why cognitive and creative performance improves when we are well rested. Table of contents Creativity and Sleep Which...

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Schlafmagazin: Richtige Matratze finden, Matratzenkauf
5 min

Find the right mattress

A comfortable mattress is essential for a restful sleep. We'll show you what to look for when buying a mattress and why the degree of firmness, support zones, etc. should be a perfect fit for y...

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Schlafmagazin: Schilddrüse und Schlafstörungen
5 min

The thyroid and sleep disorders

Over- or under-functioning of the thyroid gland is widespread and can be a cause of various sleep disorders. We explain here how the thyroid gland works and why it affects sleep. Table of contents...

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Schlafmagazin: Polysomnographie mit Gehirnwellenmessung
5 min

How does polysomnography ? work

Polysomnography is the best-known method for examining sleep disorders and is carried out in special sleep laboratories. We explain here what happens during polysomnography and how it helps to iden...

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Wie gut schläft man als Experte für gesunde Ernährung?
5 min

How well do you sleep as an expert in healthy eating ?

Anna Hüsing is a nutritionist and gives us a very personal insight into her sleeping habits. She explains how a good diet is linked to healthy sleep and gives us great tips for a sleep-friendly, ba...

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Was bedeutet Achtsamkeit?
5 min

What does mindfulness ? mean

The term mindfulness is often used in connection with meditation, relaxation and mental health. But what does "being mindful" actually mean and what are the benefits of being mindful? Her...

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Welche Kissenbezüge sind am besten?
5 min

Which pillowcases are best ?

Silk, cotton or polyester - the fabric of your pillowcase can have different advantages and disadvantages for your skin, hair and sleep quality. We explain which pillowcase is best suited to differ...

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