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Tipps für gesunden Schlaf bei Kindern

Tips for healthy sleep for children

Tipps für gesunden Schlaf bei Kindern
8 min

Tips for healthy sleep for children

Healthy sleep is crucial for children's development. It not only promotes growth, but also mental and physical health. Unfortunately, many children today struggle with sleep problems. In this artic...

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Schlaf-Tipps für Allergiker
6 min

Sleep tips for allergy sufferers

Spring is a time of year that many people look forward to, but for allergy sufferers it is also a time full of challenges. Hay fever in particular can have a significant impact on sleep. When polle...

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Baldrian: Natürliche Hilfe bei Schlafproblemen?
3 min

Baldrian: Natural help with sleep problems ?

Stress, inner restlessness or tension are common reasons for sleep disorders. Valerian is a popular, natural alternative to synthetic sleeping pills. But can the medicinal plant valerian have a pos...

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Wie funktioniert das Aufwachen?
4 min

How does waking up ?

Feeling fit first thing in the morning? That doesn't always work. We'll explain here what happens in our body and brain when we "wake up" in the morning and what we can do to get ...

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Leben ohne Schlaf: Was passiert, wenn man gar nicht mehr schläft?
6 min

Living without sleep: What happens if you no longer sleep ?

Sleep is one of the basic biological needs of humans. Sleeping less than necessary is unfortunately very common, but what happens in the body and brain when you stop sleeping at all? Here you can f...

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Verlängert Schlaf das Leben?
4 min

Sleep extends the life ?

Longevity is trendy! Many people want to live a long, healthy life and do everything they can to maintain their quality of life for as long as possible. Can improving sleep also help you live longe...

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Verbessert Schlaf die Kreativität?
5 min

Improves sleeping the creativity ?

Good sleep is the basis for creative ideas – is that true? We explain here why cognitive and creative performance improves when we are well rested. Table of contents Creativity and Sleep Which...

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