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Article: What is a sleep paralysis ?

Was ist eine Schlafparalyse?
4 min

What is a sleep paralysis ?

Sleep paralysis is a rare but well-known phenomenon and describes the state in which we wake up from sleep at night feeling paralyzed. But what exactly happens during sleep paralysis and what causes our mind to wake up but our body is still asleep?

Table of contents

      1. What is sleep paralysis?
      2. How does sleep paralysis occur?
      3. Causes & Triggers of Sleep Paralysis
      4. Is sleep paralysis dangerous?
      5. Help & Tips
      6. Conclusion

      1. What is sleep paralysis?

      Sleep paralysis is a rarer sleep disorder, also known as sleep paralysis, which usually occurs immediately after falling asleep or shortly before waking up. It describes a paralysis-like condition associated with a temporary loss of muscle control. Those affected then suddenly wake up from their sleep, but despite being fully conscious, are unable to control their muscles and move, speak or react in any other way for a short time. The unpleasant inability to move is also often accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations as well as feelings of fear or shortness of breath. Sleep paralysis can last from a few seconds to a few minutes and is usually an unpleasant but harmless phenomenon. According to surveys, up to 30% of people have experienced being woken up in the night and lying wide awake but rigid in bed with nightmarish hallucinations.

      2. How does sleep paralysis occur?

      Sleep paralysis is a disruption of the transition between sleep and wakefulness, which is particularly likely to happen towards the end of a sleep cycle. Our brain is in a state of REM sleep during this period.sleep phases particularly active – we dream and process important information and experiences. To protect ourselves from uncontrolled movements and injuries during the lively dreaming To protect ourselves, our brain blocks the transmission of muscle commands during this time and puts our body into a temporary "rigidity". Sleep paralysis itself is actually a harmless and natural protective mechanism of our body that occurs every night for a certain period of time and usually goes unnoticed.

      smartsleep Schlafmagazin: Schlafphasen und Wachphasen im Verlauf eines Schlafzyklus

      However, if we experience sleep paralysis, we wake up in the transition between dream sleep and waking, precisely when our body is still asleep and our brain is still dreaming. In this mixed state of wakefulness and REM sleep, we consciously perceive the unusual inability to move and experience dream-like hallucinations. Then we can do nothing more than wait until we wake up completely from sleep and can move again.

      3. Causes & triggers of sleep paralysis

      It is not yet known what exactly can lead to us being torn from the natural sleep structure and waking up at the wrong or inappropriate time. However, researchers suspect that several factors can promote the occurrence of sleep paralysis. These include, among others, the sleep disorder also known as “sleeping sickness”. narcolepsy, stress, a disturbed or irregular sleep-wake rhythm, mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders or depression or even sleeping on your back.

      4thIs sleep paralysis dangerous?

      Don't worry! Even if it feels extremely unpleasant and frightening, a one-time occurrence of sleep paralysis is usually harmless. The paralysis of the muscles occurs naturally and quickly disappears when we fully wake up or fall asleep again. And the frequently described shortness of breath, feelings of pressure or palpitations should not cause you any fear, because breathing and heartbeat are still regulated automatically.

      However, if such an experience occurs frequently or if serious illnesses exist, you should get to the bottom of the exact cause. Because a disturbed sleep structure and frequent awakenings also prevent sufficient regeneration at night and harm the health and quality of our sleep in the long term.

      5. Help & Tips against Sleep Paralysis

      smartsleep Schlafmagazin: Das passiert bei einer Schlafparalyse

      Waking up with frightening dream images, heart palpitations or shortness of breath and not being able to move quickly causes fear or panic in most people. During sleep paralysis we are also unable to call for help or draw attention to ourselves, which can be very frightening and unpleasant. So how should we behave if we wake up in the night feeling paralyzed and what can we do to prevent ourselves from getting into the horrific situation of sleep paralysis in the first place?

      During sleep paralysis: Keep calm

      The most important thing when experiencing sleep paralysis is to stay calm and understand why your body is not responding as usual at the moment. Try to focus on calm breathing and remember that you are in a natural body state and will be able to move freely again in a few moments.

      Preventive: Good sleep hygiene & regular sleep rhythm

      In order for your sleep to run optimally and the change between the important sleep phases to not be disturbed, you should, in addition to healthy sleep hygiene, of course, pay particular attention to a regular sleep-wake rhythm and make sure you get enough sleep overall. You can find tips on this here in the sleep magazine. Try to reduce stress and avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially in the evening. According to scientists, it can also help to avoid sleeping on your back and, if possible, sleep on your side or stomach.

      6. Conclusion

      • Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder in which sufferers awaken from sleep and experience a paralysis-like state with dream-like hallucinations.
      • In sleep paralysis, the transition between REM sleep (dream sleep) and wakefulness is disrupted.
      • Possible causes of sleep paralysis include an irregular sleep-wake rhythm, stress, psychological disorders or sleep disorders such as narcolepsy.
      • Good sleep hygiene and a regular sleep rhythm help prevent sleep paralysis and promote healthy sleep.

      Best regards and see you soon!

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