Tired despite enough sleep ?
Did you get enough sleep at night but still feel tired during the day? We'll explain why getting enough sleep doesn't always wake you up and show you why you might feel tired despite getting enough sleep.
Table of contents
- Tired despite sleep
- Reasons for increased fatigue
- Tips for good sleep quality
- Conclusion
1. Tired despite sleep
If you sleep long enough, you will wake up refreshed – right? Many people assume that a good night’s sleep depends on the right amount of time and the most common recommendation for a good night’s sleep is for adults to sleep about 7-8 hours to sleep. Unfortunately, it is not just a matter of how long we sleep in total, but also the quality of sleep and how well our body can use the rest time.
During sleep we go through several sleep cycles, which in turn are divided into a specific sequence of sleep phases However, not every sleep cycle is the same. At the beginning of the night we spend more time in deep sleep, while towards the end of the night we spend more time in the REM sleep stage. This development is essential for ensuring that regeneration and all important recovery processes take place sufficiently and that we start the day fresh in the morning.

However, frequent sleep interruptions, certain sleep disorders and physical complaints can lead to a reduction in the quality of sleep and, despite spending enough time in bed, we do not really get enough sleep. Then we should try to get to the bottom of the matter.
2. Reasons for increased fatigue
Ambient noise can not only cause disruptive sleep interruptions, but also increase stress levels. So if you are exposed to loud noise all night, for example because you live on a busy road or your bed partner is loud snores, your sleep quality can suffer, leaving you less refreshed in the morning even though you slept all night.

ambient temperature
If your bedroom is too hot or too cold, your body often reacts by regulating your body temperature, which means you wake up more quickly and sweat or feel cold more. Studies also show that sleep quality decreases when the room temperature is above 25 degrees. The heat causes sleep to become more fragmented, with longer periods of wakefulness and light sleep, and fewer periods of deep and REM sleep.
eating habits
Your eating habits, especially immediately before going to bed, can disrupt restful sleep. A large meal shortly before going to sleep may sit heavily in your stomach and cause prolonged digestive processes. The breakdown products of alcohol also have a negative effect on regeneration. So even though you may seem to fall asleep well with a full stomach or after consuming a little alcohol, you will probably be less rested the next morning.
sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops briefly during sleep. Although these pauses often do not lead to full awakening and are hardly noticed by those affected, they have a negative effect on the quality of sleep. The oxygen supply deteriorates and the body is repeatedly put on alert. Daytime tiredness despite sufficient sleep is therefore also considered a classic symptom of sleep apnea. Find out more here.
stress is the number 1 sleep killer.It has a decisive influence on sleeping habits and can contribute to us getting less time in deep sleep. In addition, lack of sleep itself can lead to emotional and physical stress - a vicious circle is created, which in the worst cases can even lead to the development of psychological impairments.
lack of exercise
Exercise stimulates circulation and has a positive effect on metabolism. Many studies also show that regular activity has a positive effect on sleep and falling asleep. However, if we don't move enough during the day, our sleep patterns can deteriorate. We become sluggish and may spend more time in bed than necessary.
3. Tips for good sleep quality:
Tip #1: Undisturbed sleeping environment
Try to avoid anything in your sleeping environment that could disturb your night's rest. Avoid noise, light, uncomfortable temperatures and create a comfortable atmosphere. Anything else leads to stress, which reduces the quality of sleep.

Tip #2: Have someone observe you
You share your bed with your partner or wear a
Of course, there are many other tips that can help you to make the most of your sleep time and start the day refreshed. We particularly recommend the rules of good sleep hygiene ➨
Tip #3: Relaxing evening rituals
Counteract the stress of everyday life and find a relaxing ritual that helps you switch off before going to bed.
4. Conclusion
Fatigue despite sufficient sleep can occur when sleep quality decreases and the body cannot recover properly.
Reasons for daytime fatigue despite sufficient sleep can be noise, incorrect ambient temperatures, unhealthy eating habits, stress, lack of exercise or sleep apnea.
Best regards and see you soon!
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