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Baldrian: Natürliche Hilfe bei Schlafproblemen?

Baldrian: Natural help with sleep problems ?

Baldrian: Natürliche Hilfe bei Schlafproblemen?
3 min

Baldrian: Natural help with sleep problems ?

Stress, inner restlessness or tension are common reasons for sleep disorders. Valerian is a popular, natural alternative to synthetic sleeping pills. But can the medicinal plant valerian have a pos...

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Müde trotz genügend Schlaf?
3 min

Tired despite enough sleep ?

Did you get enough sleep at night but still feel tired during the day? We'll explain why getting enough sleep doesn't always wake you up and show you why you might feel tired despite gettin...

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Schlafmagazin: Mouth Taping, mit Mundpflaster besser schlafen
3 min

Sleeping better with Mouth Taping ?

Tape your mouth shut with a plaster to sleep better? We explain here whether mouth taping is more than just a trend or whether it really improves sleep. Table of contents What is Mouth Taping? ...

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Hilft Schäfchenzählen beim Einschlafen?
3 min

Helps counting when falling asleep ?

Counting sheep is one of the best-known methods for falling asleep faster and better. Find out here where this sleep tip comes from and whether counting sheep really helps you fall asleep faster. ...

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Schlaftagebuch auf dem Bett
3 min

So you lead a sleeping diary

A sleep diary can help you better understand your own sleeping habits and document your progress in improving your sleep. You can find instructions on how to keep a sleep diary and a practical temp...

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Schadet Zucker dem Schlaf?
3 min

Sugar harms the sleep ?

Sugar is a natural part of our daily diet. However, too much sugar is bad for our health and can also disrupt sleep. We explain here how sugar affects sleep and why you should avoid that extra port...

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smartsleep Schlafmagazin: World Sleep Day, Schlafdauer, Schlafgewohnheiten auf der ganzen Welt
3 min

World Sleep Day – So Schlaf die Welt

“Sleep is essential for health” – this is the theme of the World Sleep Day 2023. But how well does the world actually sleep? We'll show you how sleeping habits differ in different countries and...

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