The trace element zinc
The trace element zinc is crucial for healthy body function and good sleep! Find out here why zinc supports metabolism, health and sleep and whether zinc can help you fall asleep and sleep through the night better.
Table of contents
- The trace element zinc
- How much zinc do we need?
- Positive properties of zinc at a glance
- Zinc & Sleep
- Conclusion
1. The trace element zinc
Zinc is one of the minerals and is a so-called essential trace element that is vital for the healthy functioning of our body and is found in numerous foods. Although it only occurs in very small amounts (“in trace amounts”) in our body, it plays an important role for our organism as a component of many proteins and enzymes. Zinc is involved in many biochemical processes: It helps with the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, supports the metabolism and the immune system, wound healing, cell growth and hormonal activity. Zinc also helps to strengthen the senses and improve hearing, sight, smell and taste.
The trace element zinc is therefore of great importance for health and performance in everyday life. Because it cannot be produced in our bodies and can only be stored to a limited extent, a daily intake via the Nutrition very important.
A zinc deficiency can have far-reaching consequences in the long term. In addition to an increased susceptibility to infections, impaired wound healing, skin changes or hair loss, it can also lead to erectile dysfunction and menstrual disorders or reduced fertility.
2. How much zinc do we need?
Our body cannot produce zinc itself and absorbs it mainly through our diet. The recommended daily dose depends on our age, gender and phytate intake. Phytate is a plant substance that is mainly found in legumes or whole grains and can reduce the absorption of zinc in the gastrointestinal tract by up to 45%. Anyone who consumes a lot of phytate must therefore also ensure that their zinc intake is increased.
The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that adults women between 7 and 10 milligrams, at men between 10 and 16 milligrams to be taken daily.
A balanced and healthy diet usually ensures a sufficiently high zinc intake.

🐄 Animal zinc suppliers: Beef and pork, eggs, dairy products
🌿 Plant-based sources of zinc: Cashews and pecans, legumes, whole grains
3. Zinc & Sleep
A completely healthy body is of course the best prerequisite for a restful sleep. A direct connection between a zinc deficiency and sleep disorders has already been proven in various studies. Zinc plays an important role in the body's own hormone and enzyme production and also influences the production of sleep hormone melatoninA zinc deficiency leads to reduced hormone production and a falling level of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin, which negatively affects the sleep rhythm. A sufficient zinc concentration, on the other hand, ensures a balanced hormone level and can thus promote a healthy sleep rhythm.

In addition, zinc is also involved in cell growth, immune activity and the protection of body cells from oxidative stress.These processes are particularly active during regenerative deep sleep, which is why the trace element is also urgently needed at night. Providing a sufficient amount of zinc also helps to maintain good sleep quality and to wake up rested.
4. Zinc as a dietary supplement
A healthy adult can usually absorb enough zinc if they eat a balanced and healthy diet on a daily basis. In special circumstances, a dietary supplement can be a useful way to ensure the body is safely supplied with zinc.
Athletes, vegans and vegetarians, people over 65, and pregnant and breastfeeding women may need a little more zinc or may not be able to get enough of it from their diet. Since zinc has a positive effect on the immune system, taking it as a supplement can be particularly helpful in the case of an acute cold, flu or infection.

Important: Use a high-quality dietary supplement or medicine and seek advice from your family doctor before taking it.
5. Conclusion
Zinc is an essential trace element that is not produced by the body and is absorbed through food
Zinc plays an important role in metabolism, hormone production, the immune system and cell growth, which is why a zinc deficiency is detrimental to health
Zinc contributes to melatonin synthesis and supports a healthy sleep rhythm
Hallo und lieben Dank für deine Frage!
Wir empfehlen dir die Einnahme am Abend, da du deinen Körper dann über Nacht mit Zink versorgst und die vielen erholsamen Prozesse deines Schlafs unterstützen kannst.
Tagsüber sichern dir im Normalfall regelmäßige und ausgewogene Mahlzeiten deine Zinkversorgung. Als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollte Zink allerdings nicht unmittelbar vor oder nach einer Mahlzeit eingenommen werden, damit es auch optimal aufgenommen wird. Wenn du einen empfindlichen Magen hast, solltest du es zudem nicht komplett nüchtern (z. B. morgens nach dem Aufstehen) einnehmen, da es zu Übelkeit führen kann.
Liebe Grüße
Deine Alisia
Liebe Alisia, herzlichen Dank für den informativen Artikel! Kurze Frage noch: Gibt es eine besondere Tageszeit, zu der man das Zink einnehmen sollte?
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