Das Herz & der Schlaf

The heart & sleep

The heart is the engine of our body and ensures that we are healthy and productive every day. When we sleep, our cardiovascular system also relaxes...

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Wie funktioniert der Winterschlaf?

How does hibernation work?

In the cold, dark season, many suffer from fatigue, listlessness and sleep disorders. But why don't humans actually hibernate? Here you can find ou...

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Unsere Stimmung & der Schlaf

Our mood and sleep

Fatigue, nervousness and tension - poor or too little sleep not only harms our health, but can also have a decisive influence on our mood. Here you...

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Duft & Schlaf

Fragrance & Sleep

Aroma and scent therapies are considered an effective method against stress, lack of relaxation and sleep disorders. You can find out here how cert...

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Gesunder Schlafrhythmus trotz Zeitumstellung, Jetlag, Nachtschicht

The ideal sleep rhythm

A regular sleep rhythm promotes healthy sleep and prevents sleep disorders. Time changes, night shifts or long-distance travel can disrupt your sle...

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