The medicinal plant lavender at a glance

Lavender is considered one of the most popular herbal sedatives, has numerous positive effects on health, our body and psyche and can also have a decisive influence on our sleep. Here we explain exactly how lavender can promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve sleep.

Table of Contents

  1. The plant substance lavender
  2. Ingredients and effects of lavender
  3. Lavender & Sleep
  4. Overview of the positive properties of lavender
  5. Use & application of lavender
  6. Conclusion

1. The plant substance lavender

Lavender is a widespread ornamental and medicinal plant and one of the most popular herbal sedatives in natural medicine and aromatherapy. The Mediterranean shrub with purple-blue flowers (Lavandula angustifolia) and the characteristic herbal scent blooms from July to August and has numerous positive effects on the human body and psyche. As a fragrance in perfumes, as a herb in the kitchen, but especially as a natural remedy in medicines, cosmetics and dietary supplements - lavender is used in a wide variety of applications.

smartsleep Schlafmagazin Blühende Lavendelpflanze zur Entspannung, Beruhigung und guten Schlaf

The extracts of the fragrant lavender plant are considered a versatile remedy for restlessness, anxiety or physical and psychological stress. Numerous studies prove that the plant's special aroma can help reduce the feeling of stress, relieve nervousness and anxiety and promote inner peace and balance - in a natural, gentle way and without dangerous side effects. We will now clarify how exactly lavender extracts can help with relaxation and also influence sleep.

2. Ingredients and effects of lavender

Lavender contains more than 200 plant substances that have a particularly effective effect in their special composition. The active ingredients contained, in particular linalyl acetate and linalool, numerous tannins and so-called flavonoids, reduce the release of stress hormones, relax the nerves and have a calming effect on the heart rate and blood pressure. Some studies also report that lavender also directly influences our brain activity and promotes certain brain frequencies that are active during periods of rest and relaxation.

Linalyl acetate is the most important active ingredient in lavender and also provides the characteristic, striking scent. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system and protects it from overstimulation, which quickly leads to stress, tension or inner fatigue. It can calm strong emotions and have a relaxing effect on the body and soul, which improves general well-being and leads to healthy inner peace.

The active ingredient Linalool as well as the contained tannins and flavonoids are responsible for the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect of the lavender extracts, which means that the plant's oil in particular is also popular Disinfection or relief of physical complaints, against skin infections or for healing wounds. Flavonoids are also known for their antioxidant effects in our body. This means that they help to support the immune system and protect the cell and nervous system from harmful influences.

3. Lavender & Sleep

Stress and tension of any kind not only damage our health, but also our sleep. The calming effect of lavender extracts can reduce stress and the associated cortisol release and, in return, help us to relax more, so that we can switch off more easily in the evening and prepare physically and mentally for a night's sleep.

smartsleep Schlafmagazin Schöne Frau entspannt vor dem Schlaf mit Lavendel Aroma-Öl, Duft-Kerze und Lavendelblüte

At the same time, the pleasant scent and aroma of lavender due to the special ingredients also have an influence on the production of the happiness hormone serotonin. This has a positive effect on the mood and also promotes a healthy sleep-wake rhythm by supporting the conversion of serotonin into melatonin in the evening. Lavender is therefore very suitable for getting in the mood for sleep in the evening, falling asleep more easily and promoting healthy sleeping habits.

We'll show you more herbal extracts for relaxation and peaceful sleep in this article.

4. An overview of the positive properties of lavender

  • Promotes inner peace, relaxation and balance
  • Helps relieve tension, nervousness and fears
  • Relaxes, strengthens and protects the nervous system
  • Reduces the feeling of stress and reduces the release of stress hormones
  • Has a positive influence on mood and well-being
  • Makes it easier to fall asleep, promotes sleep and supports a healthy sleep rhythm
  • Has an anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory effect

5. Use and application of lavender

smartsleep Schlafmagazin Lavendeltee und Lavendelblüten zur Beruhigung und besseren Schlaf

As a medicinal plant, lavender can be used in a variety of ways and can be used directly or further processed, for example as a herb and tea, in the form of aromatic oil or as dried flowers and powder. The valuable active ingredients can be absorbed by the skin as a fragrance via the sense of smell, as a food, nutritional supplement or medicine via digestion or even applied externally to the skin and thus develop their effect in our organism in many ways.

Lavender is generally well tolerated both internally and externally and, in different dosages, can help in a completely natural way to support long-term well-being, health and sleep.

Application tip for a good night's sleep: In order to specifically support sleep with the calming effect of lavender extracts, a pleasant lavender scent in your sleeping environment or internal use through tea or dietary supplements before going to bed can help . In this way you can reduce the stress level in the evening, ensure inner peace and relaxation and gently prepare your body and mind for a peaceful sleep.

6. Conclusion

  • Lavender is a proven herbal remedy and helps naturally against stress, inner restlessness, anxiety or sleep disorders.
  • The ingredients of lavender calm the nerves, reduce the feeling of stress and help the body and soul to find relaxation and inner peace.
  • Lavender can support a healthy sleep rhythm and promote the preparation for falling asleep easily and restful sleep.
  • To improve sleep, scents, teas or dietary supplements with lavender are suitable in the evening before going to bed.

Greetings and see you soon!

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