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Article: Fit and happy through autumn – 5 recommendations for you

Fit und fröhlich durch den Herbst – 5 Empfehlungen für dich
4 min

Fit and happy through autumn – 5 recommendations for you

Tired, weak and listless? Forget it! We have 5 recommendations on how you can get through the fall fit and happy and avoid the low mood in the cold seasons.

 Table of Contents

      1. Mood low in autumn
      2. 5 recommendations for you
      3. Conclusion

      1. Low mood in autumn

      The warming rays of sunshine have disappeared, the days are getting shorter and the weather is cold and wet - is it any wonder that as the temperatures in autumn also our mood and motivation decrease. The increasing lack of light also means that our body produces less and less vitamin D and serotonin and in return produces an excess of the sleep hormone melatonin. This reduces feelings of happiness and makes us tired, listless and weak.

      smartsleep Schlafmagazin: Verteilung von Tageslicht über Tag für die Melatoninproduktion

      The bad mood in autumn is therefore biologically based, but also a question of personal attitude. Here are 5 recommendations on how to get through autumn fit and happy and leave the famous autumn blues behind you!

      2. Our 5 recommendations for you

      #1 Eat healthily and supply the body with tryptophan and vitamins

      A balanced and vitamin-rich diet promotes physical health and can have a positive effect on our mood. The amino acid tryptophan, which we only consume through food, is an important serotonin building block and is needed by the body to produce the happiness hormone. Healthy carbohydrates provide additional energy and spicy foods such as ginger or chili have a stimulating effect and warm you from the inside, even on cold days.

      Our recommendation: Choose foods with a high tryptophan content more often, such as cheese, nuts, soybeans or dried fruit and supplement them with vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables and healthy carbohydrates from whole grains and cereals or combine legumes.

      #2 Move in daylight and in the fresh air

      smartsleep Schlafmagazin: Tageslicht und Bewegung an der frischen Luft für besseren Schlaf im Herbst

      Whether it's endurance sports or a leisurely walk - any kind of exercise in the fresh air gets your circulation going and stimulates your metabolism and blood circulation in the body. This keeps us fit, promotes health and means a break from stressful everyday life or working from home.

      Our recommendation: Use the remaining daylight effectively and create an active balance for body and mind with long walks in the fresh air.

      #3 Find the right balance between activity and relaxation

      If you are active and keep moving, you should also take time for relaxation and recovery and give your body and soul a break. A good sleep and conscious recovery phases slow down on stressful and uncomfortable days and are the source of new energy and motivation that protect us against tiredness and cloudy thoughts in autumn.

      Our recommendation: Take breaks, recharge your batteries and have a good time - regardless of whether it's a large portion of soul food, a hot bath or your favorite series in the evening.

      #4 Improve the mood with color accents

      In autumn, nature loses its colorful vibrancy and an orange-red autumn landscape is usually followed by a dark, cloudy and colorless appearance. People react, often subconsciously, very sensitively to colors. This perception can have a major impact on our state of mind and well-being. Bright, radiant and warm colors such as yellow, orange and red have an invigorating effect and lift the mood, while green tones are said to have a more calming effect.

      Our recommendation: Be brave and add color accents. Fresh fruit, such as tangerines and oranges, shine in bright colors and are also perfect sources of vitamins for the winter.

      #5 Right now: Consciously maintain social contacts

      Bad weather, a lot of stress and the current circumstances don't make it easy for us to stay in touch with our families, friends and acquaintances. Numerous studies have already proven that social contacts and exchanges with others in particular have a positive effect on our health. Friendships, family bonds and social interactions reduce stress, promote well-being and take our minds off things. When it's uncomfortable outside and the mood is clouded, spending time together and laughing together can soothe the mood and lift your spirits.

      Our recommendation: Maintain contacts and maintain friendships, because social communication and exchange also ensure a good atmosphere via telephone and internet.

      3. Conclusion

      • A balanced diet and foods high in tryptophan provide energy and promote the production of the happiness hormone serotonin
      • Exercise in daylight and in the fresh air has a positive effect on health and well-being
      • A healthy balance between activity and relaxation helps to gather new energy
      • Bright, vibrant color accents in yellow and orange improve and invigorate the mood
      • Social contacts promote well-being, reduce stress and have a positive effect on health

      Greetings and see you soon!

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