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Article: The progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) before sleep

Die progressive Muskelentspannung (PMR) vor dem Schlaf
8 min

The progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) before sleep

Relax and fall asleep better! Progressive muscle relaxation is a well-known relaxation method for relieving stress and tension. Find out how progressive muscle relaxation works and why it can help improve sleep here.

Table of contents

  1. Relaxation before sleep
  2. What is progressive muscle relaxation?
  3. Positive effects of progressive muscle relaxation
  4. How does progressive muscle relaxation work?
  5. Instructions for a short PMR exercise sequence
  6. Conclusion

    1. Relaxation before sleep

      stress is omnipresent in today's society, but in the long run it not only harms our well-being and health, but also has a negative effect on our sleep. Persistent stress and a lack of relaxation before going to bed can make it difficult to fall asleep and sleep through the night, and thus ensure that we do not recover sufficiently at night.

      Therefore, it is very important that our body and mind shut down in the evening and sufficient relaxation find.

        2. What is progressive muscle relaxation?

          Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a special relaxation technique that is intended to help relieve physical and mental stress by specifically tensing and relaxing the muscles. The relaxation technique was developed by the American doctor Edmund Jacobson. He discovered that mental state in case of stress or anxiety with a high muscle tension and conversely, loosening the muscles leads to relaxation and a feeling of calm.

          Jacobson then developed the special method of progressive muscle relaxation as a method of calming down and managing stress. Different muscle groups are tensed one after the other and then relaxed again for a while. This transfers the relaxation from muscle group to muscle group, which is followed by further relaxation processes throughout the body. This also calms breathing, blood pressure and pulse rate drop, and bowel activity is reduced. The method also has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to improve one's own body awareness. In this way, stress-related tension can be released, psychological excitement can be dampened, and chronic pain can be alleviated. This in turn allows us to better prepare for the rest phase at night and a peaceful sleep.

          But be careful: Depending on your state of health or mental state, muscle relaxation can also intensify negative sensations. If you feel pain, inner restlessness or discomfort, you should reduce the intensity of the tension, avoid painful parts of the body or stop the exercise. Pay attention to how you feel and otherwise please seek advice from a therapist or doctor.

          3.Positive effects of progressive muscle relaxation

          Possible effects on the body

          • Relieves muscular and nervous tension
          • Improves blood circulation
          • Calms blood pressure, heart rate and breathing
          • Improves body feeling & body perception
          • Promotes relaxation and sleep

          Possible effect on the soul/psyche

          • Reduces feelings of stress and tension
          • Reduces sensitivity to stimuli and promotes calmness
          • Can lead to feelings of heaviness or lightness of the body and feelings of timelessness

            4. How does progressive muscle relaxation work?

              smartsleep Schlafmagazin Progressive Muskelentspannung im Liegen vor dem Schlaf

              PMR can be performed while sitting or lying down and should ideally be practiced regularly so that it works optimally and can also be used quickly in acute anxiety or stress situations. You can learn the PMR sequence yourself in a course. The therapist or course leader reads out instructions. You can also listen to instructions at home with a CD or video and practice progressive muscle relaxation. There are shorter and longer exercise sequences that last up to 30 minutes.

                5. Instructions for a short exercise sequence in PMR

                Our example instructions are a short exercise that can be tried out quickly and easily in everyday life. You can find an audio file in which I read out these instructions in our sleep sounds. Listen now 🎧

                How it works

                Sit or lie down in a relaxed position and assume as comfortable a position as possible. Wear loose clothing, remove any distracting objects such as glasses or belts and make sure you have enough freedom of movement. A pleasant room temperature and lighting and closing your eyes during the exercise can help you to direct your attention entirely inwards and to your own perception.

                Instructions for Reading Aloud

                Lie or sit down comfortably, place your arms loosely next to your body or place your hands on your thighs. Close your eyes and prepare yourself to be able to relax. Feel the solid ground beneath you and concentrate completely on yourself and the feeling.

                arms – Now direct your attention to your right and left arms. Clench your hands into fists and bend your arm. Now tense your hands, forearms and upper arms. Pay attention to the tension and feel the strength of your muscles (5 seconds of tension). Now relax your arms, open your hands and place them quietly next to your body.

                Face - Now tense your whole face. Frown, pull your eyebrows together tightly and also tense your jaw (5 seconds of tension). Now relax your face and try to loosen every muscle completely. Feel how your forehead, cheeks and jaw feel.

                neck – Lift your head forward onto your chest and tense your neck muscles (5 seconds of tension). Slowly lower your head back and notice how your neck relaxes. How does it feel? Does your head feel heavy on the floor or does it feel light?

                shoulders – Now pull your shoulders up towards your ears and hold them there (5 seconds of tension).Let your shoulders sink again, relax them and let go of the tension completely.

                Belly - Now concentrate on the center of your body, pull your abdominal muscles in and create tension in the abdomen and lumbar area (5 seconds of tension). Release the tension, feel inside yourself. Feel how your chest, your stomach, your belly relax again.

                Legs - Now tighten your glutes and thigh muscles, pull your butt together, stretch yourself out and stretch your feet and toes out wide (5 seconds of tension). Gently put your legs down again and completely release the tension. Consciously notice where your body is resting and feel how your lower legs, thighs and buttocks relax down to your back. Breathe in deeply and breathe out very slowly. Feel how the tension in your body slowly releases. Pay attention to your sensations and thoughts. How does it feel? Let your thoughts go, enjoy the relaxation and perceive the moment in itself, in you.


                When you are ready, slowly return to this space, to the here and now. Move your hands and your arms, bring some movement back into your legs and feel how your body slowly activates. Open your eyes when you are ready and slowly stand up again.

                  6. Conclusion

                    • Progressive muscle relaxation or muscle relaxation is a simple relaxation method against mental stress, anxiety and tension and promotes relaxation and falling asleep.
                    • In progressive muscle relaxation, different muscle groups are tensed and relaxed one after the other in order to promote deep relaxation in the body and mind.
                    • There are short and long sequences of progressive muscle relaxation exercises that can be practiced regularly.

                    Best regards and see you soon!

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